The Century Club
The Azevedo Family
Azevedo A-Bar Ranch
The Azevedo family has deep roots in Sonoma County, with the purchase of their Healdsburg property dating back to 1904. Great-grandfather José Azevedo and his wife Marianna cleared the land, using timber to produce charcoal, and raised beef and dairy cattle. The dairy operated until 1950, and over time, parts of the land were converted to prunes and eventually, grapes. In 1919, the family founded Azevedo Winery, which was briefly shut down during Prohibition but resumed after its repeal in 1934. Today, the family farms 18 acres of winegrapes at Azevedo A-Bar Ranch, with all grapes sold to third parties. While pieces of the ranch were sold off in the 1960s and 1980s, the property has remained in family hands for over 120 years. Today, John Azevedo oversees the family’s vineyards in partnership with his mother Patricia. Their legacy continues as John and his wife Alicia welcomed the fifth generation, daughter Micaela, in December of 2023.