
with Amy G


We are proud to launch “Shoulder to Shoulder,” a video series hosted by Amy Gutierrez (Amy G) spotlighting the heritage of Sonoma County’s wine region. This unique series explores the invaluable tradition of learning “shoulder to shoulder” with those who paved the way. From traditions to innovations, and sustainable practices to the multi-generations, the DNA of Sonoma County is its people.

Amy G is an acclaimed 8-time Emmy Award winner, producer, and reporter, as well as a lecturer at Sonoma State University. She’s renowned for her exceptional storytelling prowess and expertise in the world of broadcasting and has covered it all, including hard news, consumer news, medical news, and sports. Her remarkable career includes extensive work with the San Francisco Giants, where she provides player interviews, insights, and updates, and connects fans to players’ stories behind the scenes and on the field. A Sonoma County native, Amy grew up in Petaluma and has a profound respect and connection to the farming community. 

With a shared passion for community, Sonoma County Winegrowers and Amy G embarked on our exciting partnership in 2023, combining forces to enrich the narrative of Sonoma County as a premier winegrowing region. Amy G’s hosting of this new series is a natural fit, as she brings her warmth and engaging personality to draw out the backstories of our winegrowing community.

Coming Soon

Nalle Winery

From Old Vines to
New Traditions